How to strengthen women’s role in IT professions such as cybersecurity?
302 28,276 voturi Consultare de la 15 octombrie 2024 la 15 decembrie 2024
Exprimați-vă părerea cu privire la anumite subiecte legate de societate care vă preocupă în mod deosebit, participând la consultările cetățenești propuse de noi. Împreună, cetățeni, asociații și întreprinderi, să ne stabilim prioritățile și să realizăm schimbări concrete.
On September 10, 2024,, as a founding member of the Association Civic Tech Europe (ACTE), hosted a roundtable titled "AI & Democracy: A New Frontier for the EU?" organised by ACTE and the European Capital of Democracy (ECOD).
Lectura articoluluiAs disinformation can represent a threat to democracy, the "Forum against Fakes" project initiates a Germany-wide debate on how to deal with disinformation with a unique and innovative format of participation. The project starts with the launch of an online consultation on to enrich the upcoming work of a citizens' panel on this topic.
Lectura articoluluiBased on the priorities of 15,000 young people in Bavaria and the Czech Republic, Bavarian-Czech youth dialogues for a stronger and more sustainable Europe have been used to come up with ideas for concrete projects and to implement them. A look back at the conclusions of the "Youth Together for Europe" project.
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