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BorgerhøringResultater - In what ways can we improve the quality of life of people affected by cancer (emotional, physical, financial needs…)?
- La Roche Posay
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- Slutdato for høringen : 6. aug. 2023
- Forslag : 606
- Deltagere : 6.029
Samlet antal stemmer
: 107.058 af 80.000 stemmer (134%)Hvad har vi lært af denne høring?
De bedste, populære ideer, fordelt på 6 akser
Når de kommer til platformen, grupperes de bedste forslag fra borgerne i store idéer, som strukturerer høringen. For at rangordne disse idéer tager Make.org’s algoritme hensyn til stemmerne "for" og "imod" samt "favorit", "realistisk", "banal" og "slet ikke! ».
To provide regular psychological assistance and emotional support.
94% EnigFavorit 23% Realistisk 15%
To offer support to patients’ families and loved ones
90% EnigFavorit 23% Realistisk 15%
To fight the loneliness of those affected by cancer
96% EnigFavorit 20% Realistisk 11%
Kortlægning af debatten
- Element 1 af 1
Cited topics
Cited topics Efternavn værdi iprocent Emotional and psychological support 26% Finance 16% Raising awareness 10% Other 9% Lifestyle 7% Family and close ones 6% Indepe- ndence 5% Dreams and achievements 5% Peer meetings 5%
De mest kontroversielle forslag
De ”kontroversielle” forslag viser, at der findes en betydelig kløft i samfundet: generelt er der lige så stor opbakning som klar afvisning af dem.
- Forslag fra: EvelynForslagets indhold:
We should be allowing them to do what they want even if it is not a societal norm.
42% for24% imod
- Forslag fra: KaralynForslagets indhold:
We should give these people priority over everyone else.
40% for22% imod
Deltagerne i høringen
- Element 1 af 3
Participation by country
Participation by country Votes (værdi iprocent) England 81% Scotland 10% Wales 4% Northern ireland 3% Other 2% - Element 2 af 3
Participation by age
Participation by age Votes (værdi iprocent) 16-24 3% 25-34 7% 35-44 16% 45-54 29% 55-64 45% - Element 3 af 3
Votes by gender
Votes by gender Efternavn værdi iprocent Men 14% Women 86%
Citizen consultation carried out by Make.org from 2023-05-09 to 2023-08-06, with the question: In what ways can we improve the quality of life of people affected by cancer (emotional, physical, financial needs…)?
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