BorgerhøringResultater - How can we make baby care more environmentally friendly (i.e. diaper, wipes, etc.) ?

Høring startet af:
  • Charlie Banana
  • Slutdato for høringen : 28. maj 2023
  • Forslag : 484
  • Deltagere : 6.946

Samlet antal stemmer

: 72.972 af 100.000 stemmer (73%)

Hvad har vi lært af denne høring?

De bedste, populære ideer, fordelt på 4 akser

Når de kommer til platformen, grupperes de bedste forslag fra borgerne i store idéer, som strukturerer høringen. For at rangordne disse idéer tager’s algoritme hensyn til stemmerne "for" og "imod" samt "favorit", "realistisk", "banal" og "slet ikke! ».

  • Using biodegradable materials (bamboo, hemp) and recycled materials for diapers & wipes

    89% EnigFavorit 35% Realistisk 13%

  • Making their packaging more sustainable (less plastic, minimizing the packaging…)

    90% EnigFavorit 19% Realistisk 23%

De mest kontroversielle forslag

De ”kontroversielle” forslag viser, at der findes en betydelig kløft i samfundet: generelt er der lige så stor opbakning som klar afvisning af dem.

  • Forslag fra: Dave
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should make diapers and wipes flushable

    48% for36% imod

  • Forslag fra: Patrick
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should reduce the use of baby wipes and return to using a soft flannel that can be reused

    36% for36% imod

  • Forslag fra: Sylvia
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should make or own wipes out of old organic cotton clothes

    41% for34% imod

  • Forslag fra: Marlene
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should revert to washable nappies/diapers and abandon 'use once; throw away' items.

    49% for28% imod

  • Forslag fra: Bonnie
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should potty train earlier. Try sitting baby on your lap after all feeds. One less nappy and can be flushed down the toilet

    51% for29% imod

  • Forslag fra: Alexander
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should try a mix of wipes and damp/dry toilet paper. Paper can be flushed down the toilet

    46% for28% imod

  • Forslag fra: Lulu
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should have babies trained at earlier ages.

    42% for29% imod

  • Forslag fra: Etta
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should soft toilet tissue instead of 'wipes' when feasible.

    42% for25% imod

  • Forslag fra: Maria
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should use cloth diapers and make them more accessible to people. Increase awareness of Elimination Communication and infant pottying.

    45% for26% imod

  • Forslag fra: C
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should separate diaper core from cloth and make it flushable and cloth washable/reusable.

    45% for27% imod

  • Forslag fra: Peter
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should start potty training as early as possible (possibly already after the 1st birthday)

    57% for20% imod

  • Forslag fra: Brittany
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should offer an affordable cloth diaper service that provides cloth diapers and picks them up weekly for cleaning and return.

    57% for24% imod

  • Forslag fra: Stephanie
    Forslagets indhold:

    We should tax disposable diapers heavily to encourage reuse ones

    22% for59% imod

Deltagerne i høringen

Brug kontrolknapperne for visning, højre og venstre pile eller tabulatortasten på dit tastatur for at bruge nedenstående karrusel.
  • Element 1 af 2

    Participation by age

    Participation by age
    Votes (værdi iprocent)
  • Element 2 af 2

    Votes by gender

    Votes by gender
    Efternavnværdi iprocent


Consultation citoyenne réalisée par du 2022-11-04 au 2023-05-28, autour de la question: How can we make baby care more environmentally friendly (i.e. diaper, wipes, etc.) ?

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