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Posvetovanje z državljaniRezultati - What are your ideas for shaping AI to serve the public good?
- SciencesPo,
- AI & Society Institute,
- The Future Society,
- Conseil National du Numérique (CNUM),
- Make.org
- Datum konca posvetovanja : 4. nov. 2024
- Predlogov : 649
- Udeležencev : 11.661
Skupno število glasov
: 121.325 od 100.000 glasov (121 %)
Kako razumeti to posvetovanje?
Zamisli z največjo podporo, razvrščenih v 6 kategorij
Ob vnosu na platformo so najboljši predlogi državljanov razvrščeni v velike ideje, ki oblikujejo posvetovanje. Algoritem Make.org pri razvrščanju teh idej upošteva glasove »za« in »proti« ter dodatne obrazložitve »navdušujoče«, »izvedljivo«, »nesmiselno« in »nikakor! «.
Monitor the expansion of AI and better define its role in society.
86% ZaNavdušujoče 21% Izvedljivo 28%
Harmonise ethics and global governance of AI.
85% ZaNavdušujoče 19% Izvedljivo 25%
Leverage AI to safeguard democracies.
84% ZaNavdušujoče 20% Izvedljivo 27%
Strengthen legal frameworks to better regulate AI usage.
81% ZaNavdušujoče 19% Izvedljivo 22%
Zemljevid razprave
- Element 1 od 1
Cited Themes
Cited Themes Ime vrednost v odstotek Role of AI in society 15% Governance 14% Organization and processes 12% AI education and training 11% AI Regulation 10% Crisis prevention and management 7% AI innovation 6% Environmental impact 5% Autres 16%
Najbolj sporni predlogi
Takoimenovani »sporni« predlogi so posledica precejšnje razdvojenosti družbe, saj so deležni približno enako močne podpore in zavračanja.
- Predlog: MarylineVsebina predloga:
We need to stop using AI, as we can already see the perverse uses to which it is put.
49 % za39 % proti
- Predlog: OlivierVsebina predloga:
We need to use AI to simplify all administrative procedures and rules.
43 % za43 % proti
- Predlog: JeanVsebina predloga:
We need to use AI as a cost killer in certain administrations to limit costs and increase efficiency.
40 % za44 % proti
- Predlog: GégéVsebina predloga:
AI should be banned outright. It's an absolute nuisance and a technology that destroys jobs and creates misery.
44 % za38 % proti
- Predlog: Delete_requestedVsebina predloga:
From secondary school onwards, teachers need to take AI training courses to integrate it into their lessons.
40 % za42 % proti
- Predlog: JeanVsebina predloga:
We need to offer AI tools to help students revise, such as creating new exercises for practice.
40 % za40 % proti
- Predlog: JeannineVsebina predloga:
AI needs to play a major role in judicial investigations to ensure faster resolutions, even for old cases.
50 % za36 % proti
- Predlog: PhilippeVsebina predloga:
Public institutions must create AI to serve major social and environmental causes (food waste).
47 % za36 % proti
- Predlog: MartheVsebina predloga:
We need to develop ethical AI for predictive analysis of public policies and their long-term impact.
50 % za33 % proti
- Predlog: AxaVsebina predloga:
Nous devrions préparer les gens aux emplois d'aujourd'hui et de demain en les formant à l'utilisation de l'IA et en leur faisant comprendre comment elle peut améliorer leurs performances.
45 % za38 % proti
- Predlog: DavidVsebina predloga:
Everyone needs to learn how to use AI, which implies time for training, and the means to access it.
48 % za33 % proti
- Predlog: PhilippeVsebina predloga:
AI needs to automate the categorization and tracking of citizen requests to improve administrative responsiveness.
50 % za35 % proti
- Predlog: ClaireVsebina predloga:
We need to build confidence in AI and make it an ethical tool at everyone's service
32 % za53 % proti
- Predlog: JessicaVsebina predloga:
We need to create a platform for AI-enhanced democracy, enabling every citizen to engage, vote, contribute, understand...
32 % za51 % proti
- Predlog: RoseVsebina predloga:
AI must be used to help judges better manage and apply sentences for repeat offenders
33 % za55 % proti
- Predlog: AlexisVsebina predloga:
Il faut soutenir les reconversions pour préparer les travailleurs à l'ère de l'IA.
53 % za29 % proti
- Predlog: PaulVsebina predloga:
We need to introduce AI management and decision-making tools for hospital administration as soon as possible to save money.
28 % za59 % proti
- Predlog: ThéoVsebina predloga:
AIs must help change the lives of the homeless
41 % za26 % proti
Udeleženci posvetovanja
- Element 1 od 2
Participation by Age
Participation by Age Votes (vrednost v odstotek) Population (vrednost v odstotek) 16- 24 11% 13% 25-34 10% 14% 35-44 8% 15% 45-54 16% 16% 55-64 24% 16% 65+ 29% 26% - Element 2 od 2
Votes by Gender
Votes by Gender Ime vrednost v odstotek Men 50% Women 46% Non binary 4%
Consultation citoyenne réalisée par Make.org du 2024-09-18 au 2024-11-04, autour de la question: What are your ideas for shaping AI to serve the public good?
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