Engage for change : building resilience in a complex world

In a rapidly shifting world, the key to building positive and sustainable change is massive engagement. We empower citizens, employees and stakeholders thanks to online tools and innovative collaboration methodologies

Find out how we can help you :

Make.org u brojkama

  • 11.7 milijun sudionik/ica
  • 409.988 poslanih prijedlogā
  • 1.199 uključenih udruženjā i poduzećā

Make.org forPublic Institutions
& Non-profit

In times of uncertainty, our democracies face growing challenges in fully meeting citizens’ expectations & fostering social cohesion. Make.org provides innovative solutions to help public institutions and non-profit organizations effectively engage citizens on a large scale, supporting democracy at key stages, from elections to participatory policymaking. This ensures alignment in collective action.

  • European Committee of the Regions
  • European Parliament
  • Nato - Otan
  • WWF
Key processes
  • Policy-making Processes
  • Citizen Participation
  • Multilateral initiatives
  • Pre-Electoral debates
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Make.org forBusinesses

Companies face rising complexity and disengagement among employees and customers. Adapting to today’s rapid geopolitical, environmental and technological changes requires new approaches. Make.org uses innovative solutions to massively involve stakeholders in strategic, operational, and CSR processes, fostering alignment and shared ownership to help businesses adapt quickly and effectively.

  • P&G
  • Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
  • Accor
  • La Roche Posay
Key processes
  • Great Causes programs
  • Strategic processes
  • Operational processes
  • CSR processes
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Make.org forA.I. Research

AI research is vital to ensuring that artificial intelligence remains a positive force in the service of democracy and society. Make.org addresses this challenge by building specialized platforms to collect and provide hyper-qualified data tailored to the unique needs of various research stages. Additionally, Make.org has established dedicated research programs focused on aligning AI development with democratic values and societal needs.

  • Sciences Po
  • CNRS
  • Sorbonne Université
Key processes
  • Democratic Commons
  • AI-Democratic Resilience
  • AI for Social Sciences
  • AI for Data Sciences
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Sudjelujte u trenutačnim raspravama

Trenutačno nema nijedne rasprave, ali ostanimo u doticaju!

Također možete pregledati rezultate prethodnih rasprava

  • What are your ideas for shaping AI to serve the public good?

    11,661 sudionik 649 prijedlogā 121,325 glasova Rasprava od 18. rujna 2024. do 4. studenog 2024.

  • Tourisme Responsable

    Comment agir pour un tourisme plus responsable en France ?

    49 432 sudionika 1 830 prijedlogā 334 429 glasova Rasprava od 10. svibnja 2021. do 20. lipnja 2021.

    Otvori u novoj kartici
  • Sustainable Tourism

    As a tourist in France, what are your ideas for a more sustainable tourism?

    49,432 sudionika 1,830 prijedlogā 334,429 glasova Rasprava od 10. svibnja 2021. do 20. lipnja 2021.

    Otvori u novoj kartici