BorgerhøringResultater - What are your ideas for shaping AI to serve the public good?

Høring startet af:
  • SciencesPo,
  • AI & Society Institute,
  • The Future Society,
  • Conseil National du Numérique (CNUM),
  • Slutdato for høringen : 4. nov. 2024
  • Forslag : 649
  • Deltagere : 11.661

Samlet antal stemmer

: 121.325 af 100.000 stemmer (121%)

Hvad har vi lært af denne høring?

De bedste, populære ideer, fordelt på 6 akser

Når de kommer til platformen, grupperes de bedste forslag fra borgerne i store idéer, som strukturerer høringen. For at rangordne disse idéer tager’s algoritme hensyn til stemmerne "for" og "imod" samt "favorit", "realistisk", "banal" og "slet ikke! ».

  • Monitor the expansion of AI and better define its role in society.

    86% EnigFavorit 21% Realistisk 28%

  • Harmonise ethics and global governance of AI.

    85% EnigFavorit 19% Realistisk 25%

  • Leverage AI to safeguard democracies.

    84% EnigFavorit 20% Realistisk 27%

  • Strengthen legal frameworks to better regulate AI usage.

    81% EnigFavorit 19% Realistisk 22%

Kortlægning af debatten

Brug kontrolknapperne for visning, højre og venstre pile eller tabulatortasten på dit tastatur for at bruge nedenstående karrusel.
  • Element 1 af 1

    Cited Themes

    Cited Themes
    Efternavnværdi iprocent
    Role of AI in society15%
    Organization and processes12%
    AI education and training11%
    AI Regulation10%
    Crisis prevention and management7%
    AI innovation6%
    Environmental impact5%

De mest kontroversielle forslag

De ”kontroversielle” forslag viser, at der findes en betydelig kløft i samfundet: generelt er der lige så stor opbakning som klar afvisning af dem.

  • Forslag fra: Maryline
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to stop using AI, as we can already see the perverse uses to which it is put.

    49% for39% imod

  • Forslag fra: Olivier
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to use AI to simplify all administrative procedures and rules.

    43% for43% imod

  • Forslag fra: Jean
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to use AI as a cost killer in certain administrations to limit costs and increase efficiency.

    40% for44% imod

  • Forslag fra: Gégé
    Forslagets indhold:

    AI should be banned outright. It's an absolute nuisance and a technology that destroys jobs and creates misery.

    44% for38% imod

  • Forslag fra: Delete_requested
    Forslagets indhold:

    From secondary school onwards, teachers need to take AI training courses to integrate it into their lessons.

    40% for42% imod

  • Forslag fra: Jean
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to offer AI tools to help students revise, such as creating new exercises for practice.

    40% for40% imod

  • Forslag fra: Jeannine
    Forslagets indhold:

    AI needs to play a major role in judicial investigations to ensure faster resolutions, even for old cases.

    50% for36% imod

  • Forslag fra: Philippe
    Forslagets indhold:

    Public institutions must create AI to serve major social and environmental causes (food waste).

    47% for36% imod

  • Forslag fra: Marthe
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to develop ethical AI for predictive analysis of public policies and their long-term impact.

    50% for33% imod

  • Forslag fra: Axa
    Forslagets indhold:

    Nous devrions préparer les gens aux emplois d'aujourd'hui et de demain en les formant à l'utilisation de l'IA et en leur faisant comprendre comment elle peut améliorer leurs performances.

    45% for38% imod

  • Forslag fra: David
    Forslagets indhold:

    Everyone needs to learn how to use AI, which implies time for training, and the means to access it.

    48% for33% imod

  • Forslag fra: Philippe
    Forslagets indhold:

    AI needs to automate the categorization and tracking of citizen requests to improve administrative responsiveness.

    50% for35% imod

  • Forslag fra: Claire
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to build confidence in AI and make it an ethical tool at everyone's service

    32% for53% imod

  • Forslag fra: Jessica
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to create a platform for AI-enhanced democracy, enabling every citizen to engage, vote, contribute, understand...

    32% for51% imod

  • Forslag fra: Rose
    Forslagets indhold:

    AI must be used to help judges better manage and apply sentences for repeat offenders

    33% for55% imod

  • Forslag fra: Alexis
    Forslagets indhold:

    Il faut soutenir les reconversions pour préparer les travailleurs à l'ère de l'IA.

    53% for29% imod

  • Forslag fra: Paul
    Forslagets indhold:

    We need to introduce AI management and decision-making tools for hospital administration as soon as possible to save money.

    28% for59% imod

  • Forslag fra: Théo
    Forslagets indhold:

    AIs must help change the lives of the homeless

    41% for26% imod

Deltagerne i høringen

Brug kontrolknapperne for visning, højre og venstre pile eller tabulatortasten på dit tastatur for at bruge nedenstående karrusel.
  • Element 1 af 2

    Participation by Age

    Participation by Age
    Votes (værdi iprocent)Population (værdi iprocent)
    16- 2411%13%
  • Element 2 af 2

    Votes by Gender

    Votes by Gender
    Efternavnværdi iprocent
    Non binary4%


Consultation citoyenne réalisée par du 2024-09-18 au 2024-11-04, autour de la question: What are your ideas for shaping AI to serve the public good?

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